Sunday, December 11, 2005

Our Favorite Honorary Member

Our Vocal Essence choir director, Philip Brunelle was made an honorary member of the Order of the British Empire last week. We found out at Tuesday's rehearsal, and didn't really know what it entailed, and were asked not to talk very publicly about it until the British Empire made its announcement. So, after the ceremony took place and it came out in the papers, I realized what a big deal this all was. It's quite a big honor for a non-British citizen. Since he isn't British, we don't need to call him Sir, or some other title, but we'll call him His Honorary Member for kicks.

The ceremony was top notch. Philip said it was filled with decadence and class throughout the entire process. He was picked up from the airport in a
Rolls Royce to set the tone, at the awarding they had guards in their Beefeater-like suits, even the medal was presented on a little pillow. It can't get any more formal than that!

So, a big congratulations to Philip in his accomplishments in music. They've been great and abundant. We're proud of our Philip.

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